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Le Grand Macabre

by György Ligeti



Act 2. Scene 3 and Beginning Scene 4 / Mitternachtszene: Das Ende der Welt / Nekrotzar: Wo? W...
Act 2. Scene 3. Collage: Grandioser Einzug / Nekrotzars samt höllischem Gefolge.
Act 2. Scene 3. Die zwei Minister sprechen zum Volk: Gestatten, bin der Dienstälteste! / Das Volk r
Act 2. Scene 3. Erst Aire des Chefs der Geheimen Politischen Polizei (Gepopo): Psssst!
Act 2. Scene 3. Fortsetzung der Trinkszene: Ex! - Trink! / Nekrotzar bildet sich ein, er tränke Blu
Act 2. Scene 3. Fürst Go-Go: Und endlich allein! / Dritte Aiie des Chefs der Gepopo: Kukuriku! Ast
Act 2. Scene 3. Nekrotzars Drohungen: Wehe! Denn es ist gekommen der große Tag des Zorns! / Astrada
Act 2. Scene 3. Piet und Astradamors: Der Nekro ist kein Zarr!, Nekrotzar: Zur Arbeit, auf!
Act 2. Scene 3. Zweite Arie des Chefs der Gepopo: Geheimmeldung! / Die Minister verdrücken sich.
Act 2. Scene 4. Finale: Passacaglia. Amando und Amanda: Ach es war gut im dunklen Grab... / Schlußc
Act 2. Scene 4. Spiegelkanon: Nekrotzars allmähliches Verschwinden im Nichts. Grabreden Piets und A
Act 2. Scene 4. Überraschendes Erscheinen Mescalinas aus dem Grab: Aschtarot! Gewaltszenen, dis Ank
Act 2. Scene 4. Wiedererscheinen Nekrotzars: Hach! Ihr seid am Leben, Fürst?
Act I: Car Horn Prelude - Voice
Act II, Scene Three: Door Bell Prelude - Voice
Ahh! ...Secret cypher! - Voice
Arse licker, arse-kisser! - Voice
Away, you swag-pot! - Voice
Finale: Fire and death I bring - Voice
Finale. Passacaglia: Ah, it was good - Voice
Galimatias: Hmm! It's delicious - Voice
Ha-ha-ha-ha! Hey! Give me my requisites, slave - Voice
Hurray, hurray! My wife is dead, hurray! - Voice
Interlude - Voice
Le Grand Macabre: Car Horn Prelude
Le Grand Macabre: Doorbell Prelude
Le Grand Macabre: Interlude
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Car Horn Prelude / Autohupen-Vorspiel Prélude aux klaxons
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Scene 1: 'Away, you swagpot!'
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Scene 1: 'Dies irae'
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Scene 1: 'Ha-ha-ha-ha! Hey! Give me my requisites'
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Scene 1: 'Melting snow is thy breast'
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Scene 1: 'Oh ...!' - 'Amanda! Can do no more!'
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Scene 1: 'Shut up!'
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Scene 2: 'Stop!' -'Sh! ... Quiet, for heaven's sake!'
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Scene 3.: 'Woe! Ooh!' - 'For the day of wrath'
Le Grand Macabre, opera: Second Car Hor Prelude / Zweites Autohupen-Vorspiel / Deuxième prélude aux klaxons
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Away, you swagpot!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Away, you swagpot!" (Nekrotzar, Piet)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Dies irae"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Dies irae" (Piet, Amanda, Amando, Nekrotzar)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Give me my requisites"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Give me my requisites" (Nekrotzar, Piet, Chorus)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Fire and death I bring"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Fire and death I bring" (Nekrotzar, Piet, Astradamors)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Ahh!.. Secret cypher!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Ahh!.. Secret cypher!" (Gepopo, Prince Go-Go, White Minister, Black Minister)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Arse-licker, arse-kisser!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Arse-licker, arse-kisser!" (White Minister, Black Minister, Prince Go-Go)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Hmm! It's delicious!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Hmm! It's delicious!" (Nekrotzar, Piet, Astradamors, Prince Go-Go)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Hurray, hurray! My wife is dead"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Hurray, hurray! My wife is dead" (Astradamors, Prince Go-Go, Chorus)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. Nekrotzar's entrance
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Posture exercises!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Posture exercises!" (Black Minister, White Minister, Prince Go-Go)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "There's no need to fear"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "There's no need to fear" (Astradamors, Piet, Nektrotzar)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Tsk... - Psssst! - Ha! Head of my secret service!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Tsk... - Psssst! - Ha! Head of my secret service!" (Chorus, Gepopo, Prince Go-Go, White Minister, Black Minister)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Up! - Drink! - Up!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Up! - Drink! - Up!" (Nekrotzar, Piet, Astradamors)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Where am I? What time is it?"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Where am I? What time is it?" (Nekrotzar, Piet, Prince Go-Go, Astradamors, Chorus)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Woe! Ooh! - For the day of wrath"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene III. "Woe! Ooh! - For the day of wrath" (Nekrotzar, Astradamors, Chorus)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "One! Two! Three! Five!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "One! Two! Three! Five!" (Mescalina, Astradamors)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Shapely and attractive figure"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Shapely and attractive figure" (Mescalina, Astradamors)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Stop! - Sh!.. Quiet, for heaven's sake!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Stop! - Sh!.. Quiet, for heaven's sake!" (Astradamors, Nekrotzar, Piet, Mescalina, Venus, Chorus)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Venus! Venus!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Venus! Venus!" (Mescalina, Astradamors)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Who's there? A man? - A man!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene II. "Who's there? A man? - A man!" (Mescalina, Nekrotzar, Venus, Piet, Astradamors)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Melting snow is thy breast"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Melting snow is thy breast" (Amando, Amanda)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Oh..! - Amanda! Can do no more!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Oh..! - Amanda! Can do no more!" (Amanda, Amando, Piet)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Shut up!"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene I. "Shut up!" (Nekrotzar, Piet, Chorus)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene IV. "Ah, it was good"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene IV. "Ah, it was good" (Amando, Amando, all without Nekrotzar)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene IV. "Ghost Astradamors, are you dead?"
Le Grand Macabre: Scene IV. "Ghost Astradamors, are you dead?" (Piet, Astradamors, Prince Go-Go, Ruffiack, Schobiack, Schabernack, Nektrotzar, Mescalina, White Minister, Black Minister)
Le Grand Macabre: Scene IV. Nekrotzar's Death
Le Grand Macabre: Second Car Horn Prelude
Melting snow is thy breast - Voice
Mirror Canon - Voice
Nekrotzars Entrance - Voice
Oh...! - Amanda! Can do no more! - Voice
Posture exercises! - Voice
Scene Four: Ghost Astradamors, are you dead? - Voice
Scene One: Dies Irae - Voice
Scene Two: One! Two! Three! Five! - Voice
Second Car Horn Prelude - Voice
Shapely and attractive figure - Voice
Shut up! - Voice
Stop! - Sh!... Quiet, for heaven's sake! - Voice
There's no need to fear - Voice
Tsk... - Pssst! Ha! Head of my Secret Service - Voice
Up! - Drink! - Up! - Voice
Venus! Venus! - Voice
Where am I? What time is it? - Voice
Who's there? A Man? - A Man! - Voice
Woe! Ooh! For the day of wrath - Voice