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Neverwinter Nights

by Jeremy Soule



Aarin Gend
Academy Attacked
Academy Attacked (Movie 1)
Aribeth de Tylmarande
Battle Aribeth
Battle City 1
Battle City 2
Battle City 3
Battle City Boss
Battle Dragon
Battle Dungeon 1
Battle Dungeon 2
Battle Dungeon 3
Battle Dungeon Bonus
Battle Final
Battle Forest 1
Battle Forest 2
Battle Forest Boss
Battle Lizard Boss
Battle Rural
Beggar's Nest
Beorunna's Well
Blacklake District
Castle Jhareg
Castle Never
Castle Theme
City Market
City Night Theme
City of Neverwinter
Confrontation With the Underdark Army
Creator Ruins
Crypt Theme 1
Crypt Theme 2
Cutlass Inn
Dark Aribeth
Docks Day Theme
Docks Night Theme
Dracolich Vix'Thra
Druid Challenge Circle
Dungeon Theme
Dusk at the Market
Elk Tribe Keep
Ending Movie
Enemy Revealed
Enemy Revealed (Movie 3)
Evil Dungeon Theme 1
Evil Dungeon Theme 2
Evil Temple Theme
False Helm's Hold
Fight in the ''Yawning Portal''
Forest Day Theme 1
Forest Day Theme 2
Forest Night Theme
Frozen Wastes of Cania
Good Temple Theme 1
Good Temple Theme 2
Gypsy Caravan Ambushed
Heart of the Forest
High Captains' War
Hordes of the Underdark Main Theme
Hordes of the Underdark Startup Screen
Journey Through Anauroch
Klauth's Demise
Lair of the Devourer
Liberating Halaster
Lith My'Athar
Lizardfolk Sanctuary
Luskan Docks
Main Theme
Market Theme
Maugrim Korothir
Mine 1
Mine 2
Mines Theme 1
Mines Theme 2
Morag's Appearance
Never's Tomb
Neverwinter Besieged
Neverwinter Nights Main Theme
Neverwinter Wood
Night on the Desert
Noble Home Theme
Noble House Theme
Nobles Theme
Noble Theme
No Man's Land
Northern Expedition
North Road
Peninsula District
Port Llast Mines
Prison Fight
Queen of the Shattered Mirror
Rich House
Ruins of Illusk
Rural Day Theme 1
Rural Day Theme 2
Rural Night Theme
Seedy Tavern
Sewers Beneath Luskan
Sewer Theme
Shining Serpent Tavern
Showdown With Mephistopheles
Siege of Fort Ilkard
Silver Sails Company
Slashing Through Hell
Slums Day Theme
Slums Night Theme
Snake Cult Estate
Solomon's Ambush
Source Stone Battle
Startup Screen
Store Theme
Street Encounter
Temple Good 2
Temple of Tyr
The City Core
The Great Graveyard
The Silver Marches
The Store
Tracking the Kobold Raiders
Tunnels of the Undermountain
Valsharess Double-Crossed
Wandering Across the Countryside
Warrens of the Damned
War Zone
Waterdeep, City of Splendors
Wink and Tickle Bordello
Wizard's Chantry