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Second Sky 2021 (Live)

by Porter robinson



And we wished each other well 我们都祝愿彼此幸福
And you'll never suffer 你永远不会受到伤害
Blossom (Live)
But then you said 但之后你说
But you were there living 但你在那里好好活着
Composed by:Porter Robinson
Divinity (feat. Amy Millan) [Live]
Divinity - Porter Robinson/Amy Millan
"Don't think of the time that's left 不要想着还剩下多久
do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do (Live)
Flicker (Live)
If I can't stop time 如果我不能暂停时间
I had lost my sight 我已经双目失明
I just want you happy 我只希望你能快乐
I just want you laughing" 我只希望你能绽放笑容
I'll be happy 我会感到开心
I'll build a world where God cannot take us 我会建造一个世界 那里上帝不能带走我们的生命
I'll die and I'll save your place 我会付出生命 我会拯救你
I'll wish that I'll find the faith 我会希望自己能找到信仰
I'll write you another life 我会为你书写新的人生
I'm sorry for crying 很抱歉我掉了眼泪
It's just that I love you 这只是因为我爱你
I was so lost in thought 我陷入沉思
Just to have known you 只要能知道你的消息
Lifelike (Live)
Look at the Sky (Live)
Mirror (Live)
Mother (Live)
Musician (Live)
Oh it's not alright 这样下去不行
"One day" can't be far enough 一天远远不够
Sad Machine (Live)
So at last goodbye 那么最后 再见
Something Comforting (Live)
So you sang to me the beauty you'd been seeing 所以把你看过的美景唱给我听
Sweet Time (Live)
That one day we're all out of time 总有一天我们会走到终点
There's no need to think of time 也就没有需要担心时间的问题
Trying to Feel Alive (Live)
We'll stay together 我们会永远在一起
Wind Tempos (Live)
You're spending it in your head 只需要用心去体会
Your hand running through the moss 你的手抚过苔藓
You've taken me with you 你带上了我跟你一起