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Private Tapes, Volume 1

by The beatles



Across the Universe
All Together On The Wireless Machine
Am Sonntag Will Mein Suesser Mit Mir Segein' Gehn
Bad to Me
Catswalk (Take 1)
Catswalk (Take 2)
Don't Bother Me (take 1)
Don't Bother Me (take 2)
Good Morning, Good Morning
Guitar Excercise (part 1)
Guitar Instrumentals (part 2)
Guitar Instrumentals (part 4)
Guitar Instrumentals, Part 4
Guitar Instrumentals (part 5)
He Said, He Said (take 5)
If I Fell (Take 2)
If I Fell (Take 4)
I'm in Love
I Saw Her Standing There
Julian and Cynthia
Listen To The Radio And Talk (1)
Listen To The Radio And Talk (2)
Lucy From Little Town
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
Mellotron Improvisation (take 1)
Mellotron Improvisation (take 2)
Mellotron Improvisation (take 4)
Mellotron Improvisation (take 5)
One After 909 (take 1)
One After 909 (take 2)
One and One Is Two
Rockin' And Rollin' (backing track)
Rockin' and Rollin' (Guitar Overdub)
Rockin' and Rollin' (Horn Overdub)
Rockin' and Rollin' (vocal Overdub)
She Said, She Said (Take 3)
She's Walkin' Past My Door
somewhere over the rainbow
Step Inside Love
Stranger in My Arms
Strawberry Fields Forever (Demo 1, Take 1)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 1, take 2)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 1, take 3)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 1, take 4)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Demo 1, Take 6)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 2, guitar overdub)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Demo 2, Rehearsal)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 2, vocal overdub)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 3, playback)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 3, rehearsal)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 3, stereo remix)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 3, take 1)
Strawberry Fields Forever (Demo 3, Take 6)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 3, take 7)
Strawberry Fields Forever (demo 3, take 8)
Talking Guitar Blues (part 1)
Talking Guitar Blues (part 2)
Tapeloop and Backwards Speaks
The Magician
The Public Ear Bit (take 1)
The Public Ear Bit (take 2)
Three Coins In A Fountain
Top Gear Promo (part 1)
We Can Work It Out
What The Magicians Are Cooking Up Now
You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)