[ Album Image ]

Nighthawks at the Diner

by Tom waits



01-01 - Emotional Weather Report
01-02 - On a Foggy Night
01-03 - Eggs and Sausage
02-01 - Better Off Without a Wife
02-02 - Nighthawk Postcards (From Easy Street)
03-01 - Warm Beer and Cold Women
03-02 - Putnam County
03-03 - Spare Parts I (A Nocturnal Emission)
04-01 - Nobody
04-02 - Big Joe and Phantom 309
04-03 - Spare Parts II
14.Spare Parts I (A Nocturnal
Better off
Better Off Without A Wi
Better Off Without A Wife
Better Off Without A Wife.
Better Off Without a Wife (Live)
Better Off Without A Wife [Live Album Version]
Big Joe And Phantom 309
Big Joe and Phantom 309.
Big Joe And Phantom 309 [Live Album Version]
Big Joe & Phantom 309
Eggs and Sausage
Eggs And Sausage (In A Cadillac)
Eggs and Sausage (in a cadillac with Su)
Eggs And Sausage (In A Cadillac With Susan ....)
Eggs And Sausage (In A Cadillac With Susan ....) (Live)
Eggs And Sausage (In A Cadillac With Susan Michelson)
Eggs and Sausage (in A Cadillac with Susan Michelson).
Eggs And Sausage [In A Cadillac with Susan Michelson] [Live
Emotional Weather Report
Emotional Weather Report.
Emotional Weather Report [Live Album Version]
(Intro) (2)
(Intro) (3)
(Intro) (4)
Intro 4
(Intro) (6)
intro (before Better Off Without a Wife)
intro (before Big Joe)
intro (before Eggs and Sausage)
intro (before Foggy Night)
intro (before Putnam County)
intro (Before Warm Beer...)
Intro - Better Off Without A Wife
Intro Better Off Without A Wife)
Intro (Big Joe)
Intro - Big Joe And Phantom 309
Intro (Eggs And Sausage)
Intro - Eggs And Sausage
Intro (end of an emotional cul de sac)
Intro (On a Foggy Night)
Intro - On A Foggy Night
Intro - Putnam County
Intro (Putnum County)
"(Intro)" to "Better Off Without a Wife"
Intro to Better off Without a Wife
Intro to Better off Without a Wife [Live Album Version]
"(Intro)" to "Big Joe and Phantom 309"
"(Intro)" to "Eggs and Sausage"
Intro to Eggs and Sausage (In a Cadillac with Susan Michelson)
Intro to Eggs And Sausage [Live Album Version]
"(Intro)" to "On a Foggy Night"
Intro to On a Foggy Night
Intro to On A Foggy Night [Live Album Version]
Intro To Putnam Country
"(Intro)" to "Putnam County"
Intro to Putnam County [Live Album Version]
"(Intro)" to "Warm Beer and Cold Women"
Intro to Warm Beer and Cold Women
Intro to Warm Beer and Cold Women [Live Album Version]
Intro (Warm Beer and Cold Women)
Intro - Warm Beer And Cold Women
Nighthawk Postcards
Nighthawk Postcards (From Easy)
Night Hawk Postcards (From Easy Street)
Night Hawk Postcards (from Easy Street).
Nighthawk Postcards (From Easy Street)
Nighthawk Postcards [from Easy Street] [Live Album Version]
Nobody (live)
Nobody [Live Album Version]
On A Foggy Night
On A Foggy Night.
On A Foggy Night [Live Album Version]
(Opening Intro)
(Opening Intro).
[opening intro]
Opening Intro
opening intro (before Emotional Weather Report)
Opening Intro [Live Album Version]
Putnam County
Putnam County.
Putnam County [Live Album Version]
Spare Parts 1 (A Nocturnal Emission)
Spare Parts I
Spare Parts I (A Nocturnal Emission)
Spare Parts I (A Nocturnal Emission).
Spare Parts II
Spare Parts II (and closing)
Spare Parts II And Closing
Spare Parts II and Closing.
Spare Parts II / Closing
Spare Parts II+closing
The Ballad of Big Joe and Phantom
Track 10
Track 12
Track 14
Track 17
Track 18
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 7
Warm Beer And Cold Women
Warm Beer and Cold Women.
Warm Beer and Cold Women (Live)
Warm Beer And Cold Women [Live Album Version]
Warm Beer & Cold women