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The Gray Area with Sean Illing

by Vox



3,000 years of The Iliad
A brief history of extinction panics
A Jew and a Muslim get honest about Israel and Gaza
A philosopher takes on religious life
A pro-worker work ethic
Being human in the age of AI
Breaking our family patterns
Brian Stelter thinks the news has a reliability problem
Can a friend be our most significant other?
Clickbait’s destructive legacy
Conservative socialism?
Democracy’s existential crisis 🅴
Everything's a cult now
Fareed Zakaria on our revolutionary moment
Gaza, Camus, and the logic of violence
How corporations got all your data
How to keep panic from attacking
How to listen
How we all became a brand 🅴
How we got to January 6th 🅴
Is America getting meaner?
Is the journey to self-discovery pointless?
Late-stage liberalism
Life after death?
Life is hard. Can philosophy help?
Music and mysticism
Naomi Klein on her doppelganger (and yours)
Neil deGrasse Tyson gets political
Poetry as religion
Rep. Katie Porter's working-class politics
Revisiting the "father of capitalism"
Should we press pause on AI?
Swear like a philosopher
Taking anarchism seriously
Taking Nietzsche seriously
The American dream is a pyramid scheme
The benefits of utopian thinking
The case against free will
The case for banning...millionaires?
The case for not killing yourself
The case for not killing yourself 🅴
The chaplain who doesn't believe in God
The climate apocalypse will be televised
The denial of death
The end of social media
The free-market century is over
The free-market century is over 🅴
The future of tribalism
The jazz musician’s guide to the universe
The joy of uncertainty
The lessons of Sam Bankman-Fried
The new American Reconstruction
The new crisis of masculinity
The new(ish) world order
The power of attention in a world of distraction
The spiritual roots of our strange relationship to work
The therapeutic potential of MDMA 🅴
The timebomb the founding fathers left us
The world after nuclear war
The world after Ozempic
This is your kid on smartphones
UFOs, God, and the edge of understanding
We Are What We Watch
Werner Herzog’s ecstatic truth
What a slow civil war looks like
What a slow civil war looks like 🅴
What Clarence Thomas really thinks
What comes after Black Lives Matter?
What India teaches us about liberalism — and its decline
Why Orwell matters
Your brain isn't so private anymore
Your identity is a story you tell yourself
Yuval Noah Harari thinks humans are unstoppable