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by Vox



99% of ocean plastic is missing
Aliens from Earth?
A stethoscope for the rainforest
A universal virus-killer?
Can we live in space?
Can we stop aging? 🅴
Can you put a price on nature?
Did trees kill the world?
Does garlic break magnets?
Garbage patch kids
Henrietta Leavitt and the end of the universe
Holding on to power
How did Earth get its water?
How do animals know where to go?
How scientists are searching for aliens
How to decode a thought
How Venus went to hell
Is Earth alive?
Itch hunt
It’s getting harder to see
Mind readers
Nuclear fusion breaks through
Origins: How did Earth get its water?
Origins: The first living thing
Origins: The meaning of “life”
Redefining death
Should you quit Diet Coke?
Something weird near the beginning of time
The alpha myth
The Black Box: Even AI’s creators don’t understand it
The Black Box: In AI we trust?
The bleeding edge
The bleeding edge, part two
The case for cursing 🅴
The data vigilantes
The deepest spot in the ocean
The eclipse chasers
The good virus
The ice cream effect
The math problem that could break the internet
The Orcanizing
The tallest mountains on Earth are ... underground?
The Yips
Trouble on Pickles Reef
Viral dark matter
Weaponizing uncertainty
We booped an asteroid
What is love?
What's so funny?
What’s the tallest mountain in the world?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Who's the daddy? There isn't one.
Why do we cry?
Why do we dream?
Why do we have a moon?
Why we cry
Why we hiccup
You're lost in the wilderness. Now what?
Your gut's feelings